O Último Suspiro da Materialidade (2018)

"The information that invades our world today and supersedes things is of a kind that never existed before: it is immaterial information. [...] The evidence of materiality still attached to these non-things can be dismissed by appreciating the new environment."

Vilém Flusser

Western society experiences a rupture between matter and information: a process in which we move from a state in which material aspects are inseparable from the information contained in artifacts, to a state in which information simply has no appreciable material aspects.

This process can be observed with more or less intensity in almost all objects relevant to our culture. Some of them have been experiencing this transformation more smoothly and progressively, others more violently, but it is very difficult today to find an example of an artifact that retains in its materiality all its informative value; that is, that mechanically contains its information. Thus, the artifacts that effectively fall into this archaic condition stand out from the rest.

This project is a portrait of some of these artifacts: the keys and locks - living fossils that 2600 years after their invention are probably the last widespread artifacts in our culture to retain in their materiality practical, symbolic and aesthetic value. The keys prowl half-dead and decontextualized in an everyday life that's getting closer and closer to absolute virtualization, and the mere notion that such a simple and so purely mechanical object might be deeply embedded in our daily life would surely confuse the minds of future archaeologists trying to understand our civilization.

The Last Sigh of Materiality is born as an attempt to sharpen the contrast between the keys and the other objects to which we attach similar value and thereby enhance reflection on the artifacts we design, produce, consume, and surround ourselves with.

Premio AF de Arte Contemporânea (02/08/2018)

Aliança Francesa de Porto Alegre

Paço Municipal, Porto Alegre

02/08/2018 a 28/09/2018


In 2018, an installation developed with images from the Naptu series was selected from 10 finalists of the Segundo Prêmio AF de Arte Contemporânea (Second AF Award for Contemporary Art). As a finalist, the work was exhibited at the event that marked the artist's first public exhibition.